I want to pass a parameter value from one API-Request to 2nd API-request so that 2nd api display result accordingly: Here is my function componentWillMount
componentWillMount() {
.then((response) => { console.log(response.data); });
params: {
keyWord: 454534534543,
locationId: '',
entriesPerPage: 100000,
pageNumber: 1,
excludeComposites: true,
//add other params
{ Authorization: 'asdfasdsfdfdfdfsfsdxxx'
//}).then((response) => { console.log(response.data); });
}).then((response) => this.setState({ products: response.data }));
axios.get('https://APISITE//api/Stock/GetStockLevel', {
params: {
stockItemId: '2f80b45c-85ff-449b-9ad6-ffcc4bb640dd',
{ Authorization: 'asdfasdsfdfdfdfsfsdxxx'
// }).then(response => console.log(response));
}).then((response) => this.setState({ racks: response.data }));
Value in stockItemId is passed as static value and result displayed in console correctly. How can get stockItemId's value dynamically from 1st-api request?
Edit: Below is data result screenShots of passing stockItemId directly in api and getting from 1st api.
- Getting from 1st api:
stockItemId: stockItems.data.StockItemId
: http://prntscr.com/i7k0j7 - Directly passing value of stockItemId screenshot-
stockItemId: '2f80b45c-85ff-449b-9ad6-ffcc4bb640dd'