I have the following task:
task myJar(type: Jar) {
archiveName = 'myJar.jar'
includeEmptyDirs = false
destinationDir = rootProject.libsDir
dependsOn compileJava
manifest.attributes('Class-Path': '../lib/commons-lang-2.5.jar')
into '/', {
from compileJava.destinationDir
include 'com/myCompany/project/util/order/**',
and I would like to relocate all classes from com/myCompany/project/event/** to com/myCompany/relocated/project/event/** (so that some apps using my jar and having com.myCompany.project.event package defined will avoid any possible conflicts)
I discovered that it can be done using shadow plugin and I tried to add
relocate 'com.myCompany.project.event.', 'com.myCompany.relocated.project.event.'
under this task but it doesn't seem to work. Does anybody know where I should add this line?