
X-Editable not working in Chrome

2019-07-31 07:56发布


X-Editable (bootstrap 2 version) is not working Chrome properly. When I click buttons, nothing changes (both save and discard changes). Looks like x-editable didn't respond to click event. What's more, console is not logging any errors. Works in firefox 25 and IE 10.

Tried to use normal and minified version.


For anyone else having this issue, the !this.tip().is(':visible') was also failing for me. It turns out I had forgotten to include the bootstrap-editable.css file which has a display: inline-block; rule. Without this CSS Chrome reports the span as not being visible. Copied from enter link description here


I've found solution. It's related to this question. It turned out, that "if" with "is(':visible')" statement returns different values in Chrome and FF, so x-editable form is not hidding.