I have changed the int
type to float
in the "Inner Product" code from the ACSL-by-Example book (the code with int
type worked for me) and now I am not able to prove the loop invariant inner
. I have added some checks for inf and NaN without any success.
#include "limits.h"
predicate Unchanged{K,L}(float* a, integer first, integer last) =
\forall integer i; first <= i < last ==>
\at(a[i],K) == \at(a[i],L);
predicate Unchanged{K,L}(float* a, integer n) =
Unchanged{K,L}(a, 0, n);
lemma UnchangedStep{K,L}:
\forall float *a, integer n;
0 <= n ==>
Unchanged{K,L}(a, n) ==>
\at(a[n],K) == \at(a[n],L) ==>
Unchanged{K,L}(a, n+1);
lemma UnchangedSection{K,L}:
\forall float *a, integer m, n;
0 <= m <= n ==>
Unchanged{K,L}(a, n) ==>
Unchanged{K,L}(a, m);
/*@ axiomatic InnerProductAxiomatic
logic real InnerProduct{L}(float* a, float* b, integer n, float init)
reads a[0..n-1], b[0..n-1];
axiom InnerProductEmpty:
\forall float *a, *b, init, integer n;
n <= 0 ==> InnerProduct(a, b, n, init) == init;
axiom InnerProductNext:
\forall float *a, *b, init, integer n;
n >= 0 ==>
InnerProduct(a, b, n + 1, init) ==
InnerProduct(a, b, n, init) + a[n] * b[n];
axiom InnerProductRead{L1,L2}:
\forall float *a, *b, init, integer n;
Unchanged{L1,L2}(a, n) && Unchanged{L1,L2}(b, n) ==>
InnerProduct{L1}(a, b, n, init) ==
InnerProduct{L2}(a, b, n, init);
predicate ProductBounds(float* a, float* b, integer n) =
\forall integer i; 0 <= i < n ==>
(INT_MIN <= a[i] * b[i] <= INT_MAX) ;
predicate InnerProductBounds(float* a, float* b, integer n, float init) =
\forall integer i; 0 <= i <= n ==>
INT_MIN <= InnerProduct(a, b, i, init) <= INT_MAX;
requires valid_a: \valid_read(a + (0..n-1));
requires valid_b: \valid_read(b + (0..n-1));
requires \is_finite(init);
requires !\is_NaN(init);
requires bounds: ProductBounds(a, b, n);
requires bounds: InnerProductBounds(a, b, n, init);
requires (n < 100) && (n>=0);
requires \forall integer i; 0 <= i < n ==> \is_finite(a[i]);
requires \forall integer i; 0 <= i < n ==> \is_finite(b[i]);
requires \forall integer i; 0 <= i < n ==> !\is_NaN(b[i]);
requires \forall integer i; 0 <= i < n ==> !\is_NaN(a[i]);
assigns \nothing;
ensures result: \result == InnerProduct(a, b, n, init);
ensures unchanged: Unchanged{Here,Pre}(a, n);
ensures unchanged: Unchanged{Here,Pre}(b, n);
float inner_product(const float* a, const float* b, int n, float init)
int i = 0;
loop invariant index: 0 <= i <= n;
loop invariant inner: init == InnerProduct(a, b, i, \at(init,Pre));
loop assigns i, init;
loop variant n-i;
while (i < n) {
init = init + a[i] * b[i];
return init;
How can I pass? Where to get the good cases with proves of real computations?
And frankly speaking I would like then to prove my loop invariant for Sine. I created a lemma for it (bounded Sine Taylor series) and tested it as a function. And I don't know a way how to start proving it.
axiomatic SinNAxiomatic
logic real Sinnn {l} (real x, real sum, real current, integer i, integer i_max);
axiom SinnnEmpty: \forall real x, real sum, real current, integer i, integer i_max; (\abs(current) < 0.00001) || (i == i_max) ==> Sinnn(x, sum, current, i, i_max)
== sum + current;
axiom SinnnNext: \forall real x, real sum, real current, integer i, integer i_max; \abs(current) > 0.00001 ==> Sinnn(x, sum, current, i, i_max) ==
Sinnn(x, sum + current, current * (-1.0 * x * x / ((2 * i) * (2 * i + 1))), i + 1, i_max);
lemma SinnnMemCmp{L1,L2}: \forall real x, real sum, real current, integer i, integer i_max;
\at(x, L1)==\at(x, L2) && \at(sum, L1)==\at(sum, L2) && \at(current, L1)==\at(current, L2) && \at(i, L1)==\at(i, L2) && \at(i_max, L1)==\at(i_max, L2)
==> Sinnn{L1}(x, sum, current, i, i_max) == Sinnn{L2}(x, sum, current, i, i_max);
float SinTailor(float x) {
float n = x;
float sum = 0.0;
int i = 1;
loop invariant over: \abs(sum - Sinnn(x, 0, x, 1, i - 1)) <= 0.001;
loop assigns sum, n, i;
sum += n;
n *= -1.0 * x * x / ((2 * i) * (2 * i + 1));
//printf("sum my=%f recursion=%f\n", sum, TestSinnn(x, 0, x, 1, i - 1)); //prints the same values
while (fabs(n)> 0.00001);
return sum;
I noticed that for internal \sin
there are a few lemmas like -1<=\sin(x)<=1, \cos^2(x)+\sin^2(x)==1
, etc., but we cannot prove \result==\sin(x)
for a sin(x)
returning function. Or am I wrong here?