Possible Duplicate:
Print number in engineering format
How do I print numbers in scientific notation with powers that are multiples of 3? For example:
1.5e4 --> 15e3
1.27e-8 --> 12.7e-9
2.9855e-11 --> 29.855e-9
I'm looking for a function similar to the ENG
button on a calculator. Is there a Python package somewhere that does this?
It appears there isn't such a feature yet (at least in Python 2.7), see: http://bugs.python.org/issue8060
On the page http://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/616948-string-formatting-engineering-notation I found the following solution (which I personally don't like that much, but seems to work):
import math
for exponent in xrange(-10, 11):
flt = 1.23 * math.pow(10, exponent)
l = math.log10(flt)
if l < 0:
l = l - 3
p3 = int(l / 3) * 3
multiplier = flt / pow(10, p3)
print '%e =%fe%d' % (flt, multiplier, p3)
Just adapt it according to your needs.
Please look here, too Print number in engineering format