I have slightly problem in keeping a group of agents moving together in NetLogo world
Here is what I want to do. I want them to stay in group while moving, the rules to keep them in groups are BOIDS, which I'm gonna apply "separate,cohere and align" codes within groups.
Here is my code. This is global code
globals[ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;global variables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
t-bp ;;time taken in ticks
t-time ;;time taken in seconds
Here is what the turtles has
this is setup code
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "arrow"
ask turtles ;;;;;agents setup;;;;;;;;
[ set size 2.0
set color blue
set count-down 30
set happy? set?
set on-food 0
set see-food 0
let number-of-groups 5
let turtles-per-group 4
create-turtles turtles-per-group * number-of-groups
set groups [] ; empty list
repeat number-of-groups [
let new-group n-of turtles-per-group turtles with [
not is-agentset? my-group
ask new-group [ set my-group new-group ]
set groups lput new-group groups
print (word "First group: " sort first groups)
print (word "Second group: " sort last groups)
ask turtles [ show sort other my-group ]
after they found their group, they need to follow their group around. here is to go code
to go
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;agents procedure;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ask turtles
[ call-eat ;;;;;;;turtle movement;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ifelse food > 0
[stay] ;;eat food;;
[continue ;;walk to other places to find food;;
;;;;setup for agents foraging styles;
if (Forage-style = "Eat,Inspect and Stop") [set Scale -30]
if (Forage-style = "Eat and Walk") [set Scale 0]
if (Forage-style = "Stop and Eat") [set Scale -15]
ask turtle 1
[if not any? patches with [food > 0]
show ticks stop]
this is how I code them to walk throughout world
to walk
if any? patches in-cone vision-distance 40 with [food > 0] [set see-food 1
face min-one-of patches in-cone vision-distance 40 with [food > 0][distance myself]
fd distance min-one-of patches in-cone vision-distance 40 with [food > 0][distance myself] * 0.002]
The problem is, I don't know how to move them in group and where to apply BOIDS.
And if I want agents to check patches without food, is this the right way?
ask turtle 1
[if not any? patches with [food > 0]
show ticks stop]
Ways to group agents within group is answered in this post How to send parameters using NetLogo?
Thank you.