I am trying to get a perceptron algorithm for classification working but I think something is missing. This is the decision boundary achieved with logistic regression:
The red dots got into college, after performing better on tests 1 and 2.
This is the data, and this is the code for the logistic regression in R:
dat = read.csv("perceptron.txt", header=F)
colnames(dat) = c("test1","test2","y")
plot(test2 ~ test1, col = as.factor(y), pch = 20, data=dat)
fit = glm(y ~ test1 + test2, family = "binomial", data = dat)
coefs = coef(fit)
(x = c(min(dat[,1])-2, max(dat[,1])+2))
(y = c((-1/coefs[3]) * (coefs[2] * x + coefs[1])))
lines(x, y)
The code for the "manual" implementation of the perceptron is as follows:
dat = read.csv("perceptron.txt", header=F)
dat[,1:2] = apply(dat[,1:2], MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) scale(x)) # scaling the data
data = data.frame(rep(1,nrow(dat)), dat) # introducing the "bias" column
colnames(data) = c("bias","test1","test2","y")
data$y[data$y==0] = -1 # Turning 0/1 dependent variable into -1/1.
data = as.matrix(data) # Turning data.frame into matrix to avoid mmult problems.
no.iter = 1000 # Number of loops
theta = rnorm(ncol(data) - 1) # Starting a random vector of coefficients.
theta = theta/sqrt(sum(theta^2)) # Normalizing the vector.
h = theta %*% t(data[,1:3]) # Performing the first f(theta^T X)
for (i in 1:no.iter){ # We will recalculate 1,000 times
for (j in 1:nrow(data)){ # Each time we go through each example.
if(h[j] * data[j, 4] < 0){ # If the hypothesis disagrees with the sign of y,
theta = theta + (sign(data[j,4]) * data[j, 1:3]) # We + or - the example from theta.
theta = theta # Else we let it be.
h = theta %*% t(data[,1:3]) # Calculating h() after iteration.
theta # Final coefficients
mean(sign(h) == data[,4]) # Accuracy
With this, I get the following coefficients:
bias test1 test2
9.131054 19.095881 20.736352
and an accuracy of 88%
, consistent with that calculated with the glm()
logistic regression function: mean(sign(predict(fit))==data[,4])
of 89%
- logically, there is no way of linearly classifying all of the points, as it is obvious from the plot above. In fact, iterating only 10 times and plotting the accuracy, a ~90%
is reach after just 1
Being in line with the training classification performance of logistic regression, it is likely that the code is not conceptually wrong.
QUESTIONS: Is it OK to get coefficients so different from the logistic regression:
(Intercept) test1 test2
1.718449 4.012903 3.743903