Angular2 cannot use the values of a subscribe in a

2019-07-31 07:18发布


I wanted to use a value from a subscribe method in another one, but it gives me undefined because it is not async. Is there a method to use those values together? I want to use this.internships another time in the following subscribe method but it becomes undefined. Thank you for helping!


ngOnInit(): void {
          .subscribe(internships => { this.internships = internships; <---- value which gives an object
          this.internshipsHelper = internships; console.log(this.internships)},
            error => this.msgs.push({
              severity: 'error',
              summary: 'Error',
              detail: 'Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden.'
        this.sub = this._route.params.subscribe(
          params => {
            let id = +params['id'];
              .subscribe(f => {
                this.favorites = f;
                this.favorite = this.getFavoritesFromIdStudent(1);
                console.log(this.internships); <----- value which gives undefined 


this.internships is undefined because these calls are asynchronous, you can get more informations here.

Also note that you are using multiple subscription, which is not a good practice, you should combine your observable using some operators like switchMap map,pluck, etc.

ngOnInit(): void {
    this.sub = this._internshipAssignmentService.getInternshipAssignments().do((internships) => {
            this.internships = internships; // not needed if you just use it in next callbacks
            this.internshipsHelper = internships;
        }).catch(error => {
                severity: 'error',
                summary: 'Error',
                detail: 'Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden.'
        }).switchMap(internships => this._route.params.pluck('id').switchMap(id => {
            return this._internshipAssignmentService.getAllFavorites().do(f => {
                this.favorites = f;
                this.favorite = this.getFavoritesFromIdStudent(1);