I would like to force user to specify origin of update to some table (sometbl),
eg. to specify 'local' or 'remote' (for col2) - but checking of that requirement should occur at DB level when UPDATE
statement is executed so:
UPDATE sometbl SET col1 = 'abc';
should throw error (exception), but:
UPDATE sometbl SET col1 = 'abc', col2 = 'remote';
...will succeed.
I tried to create BEFORE update trigger for that table, but I was unable to check if
NEW.col2 was explictly set.
I used condition
RAISE EXCEPTION 'you must specify source of this update (local/remote)'
but every time, when col2 was not specified in update (UPDATE sometbl SET col1 = 'abc')
I got current value of that field in NEW.col2 pseudo-var, instead of supposed NULL.
Is there any workaround to prevent UPDATING row when specified field is not present in UPDATE stmt?
I'd use a security definer
function, owned by the only user besides admin and/or table owner, that has update privilege on sometbl
Something like this:
create table sometbl (
id serial primary key,
col1 text,
col2 text not null,
check (col2 in ('local','remote'))
create role sometbl_updater;
grant update on sometbl to sometbl_updater;
create function update_sometbl(integer, text, text)
returns void as
update sometbl set col1=$2, col2=$3 where id=$1;
$$ security definer volatile language sql;
alter function update_sometbl(integer, text, text)
owner to sometbl_updater;
But be careful about security definer functions security.
How about a couple of triggers? One runs before the update, and sets the column to null. One runs after the update and pukes (returns NULL) if the column is still null. (If a trigger returns NULL, the update fails.)
You could create a second table that contains your local and remote entries with an ID value, then simply use a not-null foreign key to that table in the first table.
You could create a couple of stored procedures, a la
create or replace function update_remote(text) returns void
as 'update sometbl SET col1 = $1, col2 = ''remote'''
language SQL
OK, having read the docs and tried it out, I can report that a BEFORE trigger is the way to go. A trigger provides the names NEW and OLD bound to the new and former tuples. Returning NULL from a BEFORE trigger prevents the update. Hence:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prevent_not_changing_col2()
RETURNS trigger AS $$
if NEW.col2 = OLD.col2 then return NULL; end if;
return NEW;
end ;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
ON sometbl
EXECUTE PROCEDURE prevent_not_changing_col2();