In view my field username
always filled by current user's username. And it always (on submit) sends username value to my InformationForm
and validate it on unique like next:
[['username'], 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => 'username', 'targetClass' => '\common\models\User', 'message' => 'This username can not be taken.'],
And it say's that this username has already been taken. So i want to check my value username
just then, whet it's not my username. It's like
My current username in database -> Bob
My value in view in field username
-> Bob
I click Submit
and it should't check if this username is unique (obviously because it's my username)
And just then, when my current username in database -> Bob
And value in view in field username
-> John
And i click Submit
- is should check if this username is unique
I know about "custom validator" so i can validate my field using my own written method in my InformationForm
. And i want to find how to do all i wrote here except using my own written method in my InformationForm