I want to solve this only using Excel formulas (no VB scripts). Here is column A, every row is another cell (I replaced the colons in the URLs to stars because I couldn't post them):
dkfl kdf l sfljdsgfs http*//www.ebay.com/haha.jpg" sfkld fk
dl san djfms djd http*//www.amazon.com/ka.jpg" js ka jfo jdjs http*//www.google.com/lilo.jpd fd sfdg
sdf sdf jpg https*//www.microsoft.com/img.jpg" kkl lla
The goal is to extract all the URLs in each cell. If possible, also separated by a comma (but just getting them would be good, I can add a comma later to the results).
I used in cell B1 (and then to B2 and B3) =LEFT(A1,FIND("jpg"" ",A1)+2)
which gave me:
dkfl kdf l sfljdsgfs http*//www.ebay.com/haha.jpg
dl san djfms djd http*//www.amazon.com/ka.jpg
sdf sdf jpg https*//www.microsoft.com/img.jpg
and in cell C1 I further used the results with =RIGHT(B1,LEN(B1)-FIND(" http:",B1))
Results in column C:
All is good except cell A2 has two different URLs and I could only get one. What is a better method to extract all URLs? Is it possible with only Excel formulas?