
Autofill Field in SugarCRM

2019-07-31 03:42发布


In Quotes module (SugarCRM Pro) i made one field region (drop down). When we select billing account name in quote name then address automatically fill up . I want that region field will automatically fill up as i have made same region in account module . I want it will automatically fetch the region from the account module as it fetch all the address.


in your editviewdefs for that module, on the field array element, you need to add something like:

'displayParams' => array( 'field_to_name_array' => array( 'FIELDFROMACCOUNTS' => 'FIELDTOPOPULATE', 'FIELDFROMACCOUNTS2' => 'FIELDTOPOPULATE2'),),

Replace the all caps words with your fields and you should be ready to go. Keep in mind that relate fields have a hidden field that is used for the ids and make sure that you are populating it properly.


标签: sugarcrm