Find Maximum Value in Array in Ada

2019-07-31 03:11发布


I am doing an Ada program with lots of different functions messing with arrays, i got all my sorting functions going, i am now stuck on retrieving the maximum value in an array using a loop invariant to design the loop for that function. any help?


How about simply looping over the whole array?

something like this:

function Get_Maximum (Of : My_Array_Type) return Element_Type is
   Maximum : Element_Type := Of (Of'First);
   for I in Of'First + 1 .. Of'Last loop
      if Of (I) > Maximum then
         Maximum := Of (I);
      end if;
   end loop;
   return Maximum;
end Get;

will raise an exception if the array is empty, but this is left as an excercise for the reader, if those cases are needed.


oenone is correct for an unsorted array, but as you state you have your sorting functions working correctly, why not sort the array, and then use:

Maximum := Of(Of'Last);