斯卡拉不成形KLIST有额外的约束(Scala shapeless KList with extra

2019-07-31 02:40发布


 def accept[T](a: RList[T]) = true
 def accept[T, V](a: RList[T], b: RList[V])(implicit ev: a.S =:= b.S) = true
 def accept[T, V, Q](a: RList[T], b: RList[V], c: RList[Q])(implicit ev: a.S =:= b.S, ev2: b.S =:= c.S) = true

但有它接受KList ,而不是手动覆盖所有arities。 基本上我想说的,“采取任何数量的RList的时候,那些具有相同的S成员类型”

RList是一个特点,即包含一个类型S 。 (有关的RLIST,为什么我这样做更多的背景,请参阅: 约束功能基于出身(路径依赖型发电类型)? )

Answer 1:




package rl {

// A simplified version of your RList:
trait RList[T] {
  type S
  def data: List[T]

// A list of RLists which have identical S
sealed trait RListList 

// RListNil is an empty list
trait RListNil extends RListList {
  def ::[H <: RList[_]](h: H) = rl.::[h.S,H,RListNil](h, this)
// there is exactly one RListNil
case object RListNil extends RListNil

// List can be a cons cell of lists sharing the same S
final case class ::[S, H <: RList[_], T <: RListList](head: H, tail: T) extends RListList {

  // We only allow you to cons another to this if we can find evidence that the S matches
  def ::[H2 <: RList[_]](h: H2)(implicit ev: =:=[h.S,S]) = rl.::[S,H2,::[S,H,T]](h, this)


object RListTest {

  val list1 = new RList[Int] { type S = String; def data = List(1,2,3,4) }
  val list2 = new RList[String] { type S = String; def data = List("1","2","3","4") }
  val list3 = new RList[Double] { type S = Float; def data = List(1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4) }

  val listOfLists1 = list1 :: RListNil // fine
  val listOfLists2 = list2 :: listOfLists1 // still fine, since list1 and list2 have the same S
  val listOfLists3 = list3 :: listOfLists2 // compiler error: Cannot prove that java.lang.String =:= Float



文章来源: Scala shapeless KList with extra constraint