This is a follow-up question to this: ASP.Net MVC 5 - Deploy separate CDN site with bundled JavaScipt and CSS
I want to serve up my JavaScript and CSS bundles from a second ASP.Net website, so I have done the following.
- Main website (ASP.Net MVC website that has not JS or CSS resources)
- CDN website (ASP.Net MVC website that has all JS and CSS resources but not much else)
CDN Website Web.config extract
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
CDN Website Bundle Config
public static class BundleConfig
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include("~/Content/site.css"));
Main Website Bundle Config
public static class BundleConfig
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css", "http://[CDN website]/Content/css"));
//BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
Main Website Layout View
<!DOCTYPE html>
The HTML produced by the main website doesn't render the <link>
tag for the CSS. However, if I turn on bundle optimizations (see commented out code in Main Website Bundle Config), then the <link>
tag appears but looks like this:
<link href="/Content/css?v=" rel="stylesheet">
Navigating to http://[CDN website]/Content/css in the browser loads the appropriate CSS.
Navigating to http://[Main website]/Content/css in the browser loads an empty page.
Am I doing this the incorrectly? I don't want to reference the CDN website URL directly because I want the versioning that comes with the MVC bundler.