以下是函数/使用管道输入脚本的最简单的可能的例子。 每个行为与管道到“回声”小命令。
Function Echo-Pipe {
Begin {
# Executes once before first item in pipeline is processed
Process {
# Executes once for each pipeline object
echo $_
End {
# Executes once after last pipeline object is processed
Function Echo-Pipe2 {
foreach ($i in $input) {
# Echo-Pipe.ps1 Begin {
# Executes once before first item in pipeline is processed
Process {
# Executes once for each pipeline object
echo $_
End {
# Executes once after last pipeline object is processed
# Echo-Pipe2.ps1
foreach ($i in $input) {
PS > . theFileThatContainsTheFunctions.ps1 # This includes the functions into your session
PS > echo "hello world" | Echo-Pipe
hello world
PS > cat aFileWithThreeTestLines.txt | Echo-Pipe2
The first test line
The second test line
The third test line