SAPUI5 this.getView(…).byId(…).setValue is not a f

2019-07-30 17:21发布


I'm new to SAPUI5 and I'm trying to set a value into a label in my view via my controller.


onInit: function()
            var currentTime = this.whatsTheTime();
            var currentDate = this.whatsTheDate();

                this.repeat(function() {
                        currentTime = this.whatsTheTime();
                        currentDate = this.whatsTheDate();
                }, 1000);


<mvc:View controllerName="testApp.controller.View1" xmlns:html="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m">
    <Label  id = "timeDisplay" design="Bold" />
    <Label  id = "dateDisplay" design="Bold"/>
        text = "Click me"
        press = "doNothing"  />

Basically, in the controller, whatsTheTime and whatsTheDate both return values and I'm trying to set those values into the label. It's a pretty simple thing but I'm missing out something because in my console

this.getView(...).byId(...).setValue is not a function

EDIT: Also, is there any particular way in writing my repeat function to run every 1 second inside my onInit function? Because it says that repeat is not a function. The whole point of the repeat function is to update the value every 1 second.

Why exactly is this throwing me up this error?


Label does not have a Value property, so there is no setValue function (which is reported in error text), but it has "text" property, so you should do:

this.getView(...).byId(...).setText( ... )

标签: sapui5