I have some fairly simple code to get values for a urlstring.
I have looked at all the other questions and cant seem to find a relevant answer I can apply
Some of the code comes up first in the Ipython console which I expect and will change later and I do get a value in Ipython console from the hardcoded variables on button press but cant seem to get value of text boxes into the variables and then use them instead?
amount = '1'
cur1 = input('What Currency would you like to trade from? ')
cur2 = input('What Currency would you like to trade to? ')
cur1_1 = StringVar()
cur2_1 = StringVar()
#i = 0
#Textboxes for user input
txtcur1 = Entry(root, font="Helvetica 11 bold",bg="white", width=6, textvariable=cur1_1)
txtcur1.place(x=110, y=50)
txtcur2 = Entry(root, font="Helvetica 11 bold",bg="white", width=6, textvariable=cur2_1)
txtcur2.place(x=110, y=75)
def results():
t = datetime.utcnow()
url1 = "http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/" + "?Amount=" + amount + "&From=" + cur1 + "&To=" + cur2
url2 = "http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/" + "?Amount=" + amount + "&From=" + cur2_1 + "&To=" + cur1_1
But for the life of me I cant get the variables from the textboxes into the variables cur1_1
and cur2_1
and am getting the typeerror.
url2 = "http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/" + "?Amount=" + amount + "&From=" + cur2_1 + "&To=" + cur1_1
TypeError: must be str, not StringVar
When I change it to string it says must be 3 digit long I would have thought It would have been a bit simpler than this. Any help please?
Also once I have the returned values for the exchange rates I need them to be converted to a decimal to 9
places and displayed with commas for monetary use .
Full code here https://pastebin.com/uPWyPXMZ