I have developed a script to fetch and show google reviews using google places api. It fetches five reviews but not the latest.
Does google places api returns 5 random reviews or latest 5 reviews ?
I have developed a script to fetch and show google reviews using google places api. It fetches five reviews but not the latest.
Does google places api returns 5 random reviews or latest 5 reviews ?
as stated here : http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=2477
"It's the top 5 reviews shown on Google+ Local, which I believe are ranked by relevance/helpfulness. It's not possible to change the set of reviews that are requested."
Places API only returns 5 by default, if you apply for the GMB API and you manage verifies locations you can access the reviews on the account but this only works if you’re approved for the API and you authenticate to the business; alternatively you can always copy/paste or use a third-party service to fetch like Reviewsmaker; but there’s no other way of getting more than 5 returned with Places API, same thing with Yelp who also restricts you from fetching more than a capped number.