I'm trying to insert data to my database using a custom php in wordpress. The entire php file contains this:
<?php global $wpdb;
$filename = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
if($_FILES["file"]["size"] > 0)
$file = fopen($filename, "r");
$count = 0;
while (($emapData = fgetcsv($file, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE)
if($count>1){ $wpdb->insert('wp_inventory_list',
array( 'project_code' => $emapData[0],
'phase' => $emapData[1],
'subphase' => $emapData[2],
'block' => $emapData[3],
'lot' => $emapData[4],
'lot_area' => $emapData[5],
'flr_area,' => $emapData[6],
'model_code' => $emapData[7],
'house_model' => $emapData[8],
'tcp' => $emapData[9] ),
array( '%s', '%s' ,'%s' ,'%s' ,'%s' ,'%s' ,'%s' ,'%s' ,'%s' ,'%s'));
echo 'CSV File has been successfully Imported';
echo 'Invalid File:Please Upload CSV File';
Whenever I try to run the script I get an error "Call to a member function insert() on a non-object". Is my $wpdb
not working right? I added the custom php file inside wp-content/themes/mytheme/
folder. Do I still need to configure something for the global $wpdb variable to work?