
Why does the following redeclaration error happen

2019-07-30 14:14发布


I'm trying to implement a simple verilog code as below:

module test1(
    input ACLK,
     input RST,
    output test_output1,
    output test_output2

//wire ACLK;
//wire RST;
reg test_output1;
reg test_output2;

assign test_output1 = ACLK;

always @(posedge ACLK or negedge RST)
        //test_output1 <=0;
        test_output2 <=0;
        //test_output1 <=0;
        test_output2 <=1;


I get the following error message when I try to synthesize it in Xilinx ISE:

*                          HDL Compilation                              *
Compiling verilog file "test1.v" in library work
ERROR:HDLCompilers:27 - "test1.v" line 30 Illegal redeclaration of 'test_output1'
ERROR:HDLCompilers:27 - "test1.v" line 31 Illegal redeclaration of 'test_output2`

I am unable to resolve this error. Any help would be highly appreciated.


If you declare the directional of the port in the portlist, you must also declare the type. This is referred to as an ANSI style header.

There is also a non-ANSI style header that separates the portlist, directional, and type. If you are fallowing IEEE1364-1995 convention then you must use non-ANSI style and you cannot declare the type (e.g. output reg test_output2; is illegal, while output test_output2; reg test_output2; is legal). Since IEEE1364-2001 ANSI and non-ANSI style is supported (and the non-ANSI allows output reg test_output2;). All modern Verilog simulators are SystemVerilog (IEEE1800) simulators, therefore it is the designers choice. (ANSI style is more popular as it is less typing).

ANSI style header:

module test1(
  input ACLK,
  input RST,
  output test_output1,
  output reg test_output2 );

Non-ANSI style header:

module test1( ACLK, RST, test_output1, test_output2 );
  input ACLK;
  input RST;
  output test_output1;
  output test_output2;

  reg test_output2;

Note: With IEEE1364, you can not drive a reg with an assign statement, it must be a net type. IEEE1800 has softened the rule the it is recommenced logic in stead of reg, but generally if you are going to use assign then you should be assigning a net (e.g. wire).


Add following modification:

  1. You used test_output1 in assign statement so it should be of type wire.

    module test1(
      input wire ACLK,
      input wire RST,
      output wire test_output1, 
      output reg test_output2  
  2. You have already declared test_output1 and test_outpu2 as output and it is by default of type wire, so you just have to implicitly specify wire or reg according to usage,

    // reg test_output1;
    // reg test_output2;