Creating a autocomplete field with Typeahead in th

2019-07-30 11:54发布


I'm trying to achieve a autocomplete input field with typeahead (twitter bootstrap). This autocomplete field should be in a modal but I cant seem to get it working! It also must be observable with knockout because when you select a value other fields should be updated to.

So I'm kinda looking to do this in a modal!


<div class="messageBox">
    <div class="modal-header">
        <h2>Adding a repairline</h2>
    <div class="modal-body" style="width: 35em;">
        <form data-bind="submit: ok">
                <!--<legend></legend> Deze niet toevoegen uitlijning is dan niet goed!-->
                <div class="row-fluid">
                    <div class="span6">
                                <input type="text" id="testen" data-provide="typeahead" />

                                <input data-bind="value: Code" required />
                    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add" />
    <div class="modal-footer">
        <button class="btn" data-bind="click: closeModal">Cancel</button>    


define(function (require) {
    var dataservice = require('services/dataservice'),
        allCustomers = ko.observableArray([]),
        repairlines = ko.observableArray([]);

    function init() {
        dataservice = new dataservice('api/data');
        dataservice.getAllRows('AllCustomers').then(function (data) {
            data.results.forEach(function (item) {
        }).fail(function () {   

        dataservice.getAllRows('EntireRepairLineLib').then(function (data) {
            data.results.forEach(function (item) {
        }).fail(function () {

        $('.testen .typeahead').typeahead({
            name: 'countries',
            prefetch: '',
            limit: 10


    AddRepairOrderLineModal = function (loggedInEmployee) {
        //later ook customer en repairorder meegeven!
        this.allCustomers = allCustomers;
        this.choosenCustomerId = ko.observable(); //holds the Id of the chosen customer
        this.Description = ko.observable();
        this.Code = ko.observable();
        this.Mat = ko.observable();
        this.Location = ko.observable();
        this.Rep = ko.observable();
        this.Dum = ko.observable();
        this.Dam = ko.observable();
        this.Qty = ko.observable();
        this.Hours = ko.observable();
        this.Tariff = ko.observable();
        this.Costs = ko.observable();
        this.CreationDate = (new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-" + new Date().getDate() + "-" + new Date().getFullYear();

        this.IsAgreement = ko.observable(true);
        this.IsAuthorized = ko.observable(true);
        this.DoRepair = ko.observable(true);
        this.selectedEmployee = loggedInEmployee;

       /* $(".repairlinename").autocomplete({
           source: repairlines 

        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#testen').append(' Leroy');
    AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.ok = function () {
        var jsonObj = [];
            Description: this.Description(), Code: this.Code(),
            Mat: this.Mat(), Location: this.Location(),
            Rep: this.Rep(), Dum: this.Dum(), Dam: this.Dam(),
            CustomerId: this.choosenCustomerId(), Qty: this.Qty(), Hours: this.Hours(),
            Tariff: this.Tariff(), Costs: this.Costs(), CreationDate: this.CreationDate,
            IsAgreement: this.IsAgreement(), IsAuthorized: this.IsAuthorized(), DoRepair: this.DoRepair(),

    AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.closeModal = function () {
        return this.modal.close();
    return AddRepairOrderLineModal;

    /*define(['durandal/app','services/dataservice'], function(app,dataservice) {
        AddRepairOrderLineModal = function (loggedInEmployee) {
            //later ook customer en repairorder meegeven!

            this.Description = ko.observable();
            this.Code = ko.observable();
            this.Mat = ko.observable();
            this.Location = ko.observable();
            this.Rep = ko.observable();
            this.Dum = ko.observable();
            this.Dam = ko.observable();
            this.Customer = ko.observable();
            this.Qty = ko.observable();
            this.Hours = ko.observable();
            this.Tariff = ko.observable();
            this.Costs = ko.observable();
            this.CreationDate = (new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-" + new Date().getDate() + "-" + new Date().getFullYear();

            this.IsAgreement = ko.observable(true);
            this.IsAuthorized = ko.observable(true);
            this.DoRepair = ko.observable(true);
            this.selectedEmployee = loggedInEmployee;

        AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.ok = function () {
            var jsonObj = [];
                Description: this.Description(), Code: this.Code(),
                Mat: this.Mat(), Location: this.Location(),
                Rep: this.Rep(), Dum: this.Dum(), Dam: this.Dam(),
                Customer: this.Customer(), Qty: this.Qty(), Hours: this.Hours(),
                Tariff: this.Tariff(), Costs: this.Costs(), CreationDate: this.CreationDate,
                IsAgreement: this.IsAgreement(), IsAuthorized: this.IsAuthorized(), DoRepair: this.DoRepair()

        AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.closeModal = function() {
            return this.modal.close();
        return AddRepairOrderLineModal;


I hope someone can help me on how to do this! The source is repairlines, these are all filled in correctly


You would need to bind the typeahead input to an array exposed on your view model. I don't think you are doing either at the moment.

To do the bindings you should use knockout-bootstrap bindings found here:

Once you have included the above knockout-bootstrap bindings you can do this in your view:

<input type="text" data-bind="typeahead: repairlines" />

Then make sure you are adding repairlines to your VM instance. Adding it to your this reference should do the trick.

// this will add the repairlines observable array to your VM instance
this.repairlines = repairlines;

Hope this helps and good luck :-)


I would comment, but can't so here's my note. In your example you have a same origin policy (SOP) issue. So the data from the twitter page isn't getting pulled in. That pretty much kills the process so you don't end up with anything.

I found that if I include the appropriate styles (such as one for tt-dropdown-menu):

<span class="tt-dropdown-menu" style="position: absolute; top: 100%; left: 0px; z-index: 100; display: block; right: auto;"></span>

and have a functioning dataset it works fine. Here's a fiddle of my attempt and here is a great page that helped me (especially with the styles


I have fixed this problem by adding some extra code to the library:

This is the knockout-bootstrap.js, where ko.bindingHandlers.typeahead is rewritten so it accept updates, minLength en items. Just load this script in.

function s4() {
    return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)

function guid() {
    return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();

// Outer HTML
  $.fn.outerHtml = function() {
    if (this.length == 0) return false;
    var elem = this[0], name = elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
    if (elem.outerHTML) return elem.outerHTML;
    var attrs = $.map(elem.attributes, function(i) { return'="'+i.value+'"'; }); 
    return "<"+name+(attrs.length > 0 ? " "+attrs.join(" ") : "")+">"+elem.innerHTML+"</"+name+">";

// Bind twitter typeahead
ko.bindingHandlers.typeahead = {
    init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        var $element = $(element);
        var allBindings = allBindingsAccessor();
        var typeaheadArr = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());

        $element.attr("autocomplete", "off")
                    'source': typeaheadArr,
                    'minLength': allBindings.minLength,
                    'items': allBindings.items,
                    'updater': allBindings.updater

ko.bindingHandlers.typeahead = {
    init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {

        var $element = $(element);
        var t = valueAccessor();
        var typeaheadArr = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
        var k = allBindingsAccessor().v1;

        $element.attr("autocomplete", "off")
                    'source' : typeaheadArr

// Bind Twitter Progress
ko.bindingHandlers.progress = {
    init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        var $element = $(element);

        var bar = $('<div/>', {
            'data-bind':'style: { width:' + valueAccessor() + ' }'

        $element.attr('id', guid())
            .addClass('progress progress-info')

        ko.applyBindingsToDescendants(viewModel, $element[0]);

// Bind Twitter Alert
ko.bindingHandlers.alert = {
    init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        var $element = $(element);
        var alertInfo = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());

        var dismissBtn = $('<button/>', {

        var alertMessage = $('<p/>').html(alertInfo.message);

        $element.addClass('alert alert-'+alertInfo.priority)

// Bind Twitter Tooltip
ko.bindingHandlers.tooltip = {
    init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        // read tooltip options
        var tooltipBindingValues = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());

        // set tooltip title
        var tooltipTitle = tooltipBindingValues.title;

        // set tooltip placement
        var tooltipPlacement = tooltipBindingValues.placement;

        // set tooltip trigger
        var tooltipTrigger = tooltipBindingValues.trigger;

        var options = {
            title: tooltipTitle

        ko.utils.extend(options, ko.bindingHandlers.tooltip.options);

        if (tooltipPlacement) {
            options.placement = tooltipPlacement;

        if (tooltipTrigger) {
            options.trigger = tooltipTrigger;

    options: {
        placement: "top",
        trigger: "hover"

// Bind Twitter Popover
ko.bindingHandlers.popover = {
    init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        // read popover options 
        var popoverBindingValues = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());

        // set popover title 
        var popoverTitle = popoverBindingValues.title;

        // set popover template id
        var tmplId = popoverBindingValues.template;

        // set popover trigger
        var trigger = 'click';

        if (popoverBindingValues.trigger) {
            trigger = popoverBindingValues.trigger;

        // update triggers
        if (trigger === 'hover') {
            trigger = 'mouseenter mouseleave';
        } else if (trigger === 'focus') {
            trigger = 'focus blur';

        // set popover placement
        var placement = popoverBindingValues.placement;

        // get template html
        var tmplHtml = $('#' + tmplId).html();

        // create unique identifier to bind to
        var uuid = guid();
        var domId = "ko-bs-popover-" + uuid;

        // create correct binding context
        var childBindingContext = bindingContext.createChildContext(viewModel);

        // create DOM object to use for popover content
        var tmplDom = $('<div/>', {
            "class" : "ko-popover",
            "id" : domId

        // set content options
        options = {
            content: $(tmplDom[0]).outerHtml(),
            title: popoverTitle

        if (placement) {
            options.placement = placement;

        // Need to copy this, otherwise all the popups end up with the value of the last item
        var popoverOptions = $.extend({}, ko.bindingHandlers.popover.options, options);

        // bind popover to element click
        $(element).bind(trigger, function () {
            var popoverAction = 'show';
            var popoverTriggerEl = $(this);

            // popovers that hover should be toggled on hover
            // not stay there on mouseout
            if (trigger !== 'click') {
                popoverAction = 'toggle';

            // show/toggle popover

            // hide other popovers and bind knockout to the popover elements
            var popoverInnerEl = $('#' + domId);

            // if the popover is visible bind the view model to our dom ID
            if($('#' + domId).is(':visible')){
                ko.applyBindingsToDescendants(childBindingContext, $('#' + domId)[0]);

            // bind close button to remove popover
            $(document).on('click', '[data-dismiss="popover"]', function (e) {

        // Also tell KO *not* to bind the descendants itself, otherwise they will be bound twice
        return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };
    options: {
        placement: "right",
        title: "",
        html: true,
        content: "",
        trigger: "manual"

In your HTML do this.

<input type="text" data-bind="typeahead: repairlines(), minLength: 2, updater: updateViewAfterSelection, value: Description" required/>

This is my viewmodel:

define(function (require) {
    var dataservice = require('services/dataservice'),
        allCustomers = ko.observableArray([]),
        repairlinesRaw = ko.observableArray([]),
        Description = ko.observable(),
        InternalCode = ko.observable(),
        Mat = ko.observable(),
        Location = ko.observable(),
        Rep = ko.observable(),
        Dum = ko.observable(),
        Dam = ko.observable(),
        Qty = ko.observable(0).extend({ numeric: 2 }),
        Hours = ko.observable(0).extend({ numeric: 2 }),
        Tariff = ko.observable(0).extend({ numeric: 2 }),
        Costs = ko.observable(0).extend({ numeric: 2 });

    function init() {
        dataservice = new dataservice('api/data');
        dataservice.getAllRows('AllCustomers').then(function (data) {
            data.results.forEach(function (item) {
        }).fail(function () {

        dataservice.getAllRows('EntireRepairLineLib').then(function (data) {
            data.results.forEach(function (item) {
        }).fail(function () {


    AddRepairOrderLineModal = function (loggedInEmployee) {
        //later ook customer en repairorder meegeven!
        this.allCustomers = allCustomers;
        this.choosenCustomerId = ko.observable(); //holds the Id of the chosen customer
        this.Description = Description;
        this.InternalCode = InternalCode;
        this.Mat = Mat;
        this.Location = Location;
        this.Rep = Rep;
        this.Dam = Dam;
        this.Qty = Qty;
        this.Hours = Hours;
        this.Tariff = Tariff;
        this.Costs = Costs;
        //this.CreationDate = (new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-" + new Date().getDate() + "-" + new Date().getFullYear();
        this.repairlines = function () {
            var repairlinesName = [];
            map = {};
            var data = repairlinesRaw();
            $.each(data, function (i, repairline) {
                map[repairline.Description()] = repairline;
            return repairlinesName;

        this.IsAgreement = ko.observable(true);
        this.IsAuthorized = ko.observable(true);
        this.DoRepair = ko.observable(true);
        this.selectedEmployee = loggedInEmployee;

    AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.updateViewAfterSelection = function(item) {
        //map can be found in the repairlines function
        return item;

    AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.ok = function () {
        var jsonObj = [];
            Description: this.Description(), InternalCode: this.InternalCode(),
            Mat: this.Mat(), Location: this.Location(),
            Rep: this.Rep(), Dam: this.Dam(),
            CustomerId: this.choosenCustomerId(), Qty: this.Qty(), Hours: this.Hours(),
            Tariff: this.Tariff(), Costs: this.Costs(),
            IsAgreement: this.IsAgreement(), IsAuthorized: this.IsAuthorized(), DoRepair: this.DoRepair(),

        //empty all fields after JSON 
        //Otherwise the values would still be there when a new modal is opened again.


    AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.closeModal = function () {
        return this.modal.close();
    return AddRepairOrderLineModal;

Hope people will understand this ;), hope it helps, alot of credits go to Bill Pull ;) and Alex Preston


Cannot understand this as it is TOO messy. That is, the typeahead bit is mix in with all your other stuff. What about a simple example that has only typeahead stuff and maybe is composed to a view/viewmodel like a widget so it can be reused.

Then we could have a chance to understand it