SQL查询中选择第一等级1列从多个等级/组(SQL Query Select first rank

2019-07-30 09:18发布



id   col1    col2       col3
1    abc   01/01/2012    -
1    abc   01/01/2012    A
2    abc   01/01/2012    -
2    abc   01/02/2012    -
3    abc   01/02/2012    -
3    xyz   01/01/2012    -
4    abc   01/02/2012    -
4    xyz   01/01/2012    -
4    xyz   01/02/2012    -

以下是为了评估 -

if(col1 is false) then evaluate col2 if(col2 is false) then col3:

Col1 - xyz has first preference from all values in this column
col2 - min date
col3 - not '-' or min(col3)

我想只返回一行每个ID,如果COL1失败去了col2,如果失败然后去COL3条件。 从上表的结果应该是

 id   col1    col2       col3
 1    abc     01/01/2012  A
 2    abc     01/01/2012  -
 3    xyz     01/01/2012  -
 4    xyz     01/01/2012  -

我试图用密集的排名,但它并没有帮助。 我不知道如何执行使用任何可用的功能或SQL逻辑此逻辑。

for col1 - if more than one row for same code or xyz code then fail
for col2 - if more than one row with same min date then fail 
           [use this only if col1 condition fails]

Answer 1:


               dense_rank() over (partition by id
                                      order by (case when col1 = 'xyz' 
                                                     then 1 
                                                     else 0 
                                                 end) desc,
                                               col2 asc,
                                               col3 asc) rnk
          FROM your_table)
 WHERE rnk = 1

我假设你想dense_rank给您所使用的dense_rank标签。 你不说说你想如何处理关系或是否关系甚至可能的,所以是否要使用它不是从问题本身清晰的rankdense_rank ,或row_number解析函数。 如果你只取过每排名最高的行idrankdense_rank会表现相同,并且将返回多行,如果有第一名的关系。 row_number总是会被打破任意领带返回一行。 如果你想获取不是每个第一行其他行id ,那么你就需要考虑一下领带,你会从中获取不同的行为rankdense_rank 。 如果两行是并列第一, dense_rank将指派第三行是rnk的2,而rank将它分配一个rnk的3。


SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  with x as (
  2  select 1 id, 'abc' col1, to_date('01/01/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual union all
  3  select 1 id, 'abc' col1, to_date('01/01/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, 'A' col3 from dual union all
  4  select 2 id, 'abc' col1, to_date('01/01/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual union all
  5  select 2 id, 'abc' col1, to_date('01/02/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual union all
  6  select 3 id, 'abc' col1, to_date('01/02/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual union all
  7  select 3 id, 'xyz' col1, to_date('01/01/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual union all
  8  select 4 id, 'abc' col1, to_date('01/02/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual union all
  9  select 4 id, 'xyz' col1, to_date('01/01/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual union all
 10  select 4 id, 'xyz' col1, to_date('01/02/2012', 'MM/DD/YYYY') col2, null col3 from dual
 11  )
 12  SELECT *
 13    FROM (SELECT id,
 14                 col1,
 15                 col2,
 16                 col3,
 17                 dense_rank() over (partition by id
 18                                        order by (case when col1 = 'xyz'
 19                                                       then 1
 20                                                       else 0
 21                                                   end) desc,
 22                                                 col2 asc,
 23                                                 col3 asc) rnk
 24            FROM x)
 25*  WHERE rnk = 1
SQL> /

        ID COL COL2      C        RNK
---------- --- --------- - ----------
         1 abc 01-JAN-12 A          1
         2 abc 01-JAN-12            1
         3 xyz 01-JAN-12            1
         4 xyz 01-JAN-12            1

Answer 2:

with tmp(id, col1, col2, col3, col1b, col3b) as
(select distinct id, col1, col2, col3,
        case when col1 = 'xyz' then '0' else '1' || col1 end,
        case when col3 = '-' then '1' else '0' || col3 end
from Table1)

select t1.id, t1.col1, t1.col2, t1.col3 
from tmp t1
left join tmp t2 on t1.id = t2.id
                and t1.col1b > t2.col1b
left join tmp t3 on t1.id = t3.id
                and t1.col1b = t3.col1b
                and t1.col2 > t3.col2
left join tmp t4 on t1.id = t4.id
                and t1.col1b = t4.col1b
                and t1.col2 = t4.col2
                and t1.col3b > t4.col3b
where t2.id is null
  and t3.id is null
  and t4.id is null

文章来源: SQL Query Select first rank 1 row From Multiple ranks/Group