I want to use apache arrow because it enables execution engines to take advantage of the latest SIMD (Single input multiple data) operations included in modern processors, for native vectorized optimization of analytical data processing. (https://arrow.apache.org/).
From documentration (https://arrow.apache.org/docs/memory_layout.html), I understand that memory allocation make sure about 64 byte alignment.
In order to verify this 64 bytes alignment, I use the __array_interface__ data member of a numpy array that points to the data-area storing the array contents and compute a modulo 64 on it. If the result is 0 then the memory address is aligned on at least 64 Bytes.
When I execute the code bellow, on my system (Fedora) it seems to work (the result of modulo 64 is zero) but when I execute the same code on my colleague's system (Fedora too) it does not work: the result of modulo 64 is not zero. So the memory is not aligned on 64 bytes.
Please find my code here:
import pyarrow as pa
tab=pa.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print('numpy address {} modulo 64 => {}'.format(panda_array.__array_interface__['data'][0], panda_array.__array_interface__['data'][0]%64))
Thank you for your help.