This is a follow up on the last question: Split beeswarm plot
I ask it as a new question, because my first question was sufficiently answered. But with my real data, there was suddenly a weird behaviour that I don't understand.
With the previous data frame
my_dat <- data.frame(x = 'x', m = rep(c('a','b'),100), y = rnorm(200))
the suggested solution works nice. But when I boost up my data a bit (simply increasing the sample size!), the plot becomes weird:
my_dat <- data.frame(x = 'x', m = letters[1:2], y = sample(0:100, 2000, replace = T), stringsAsFactors = F)
p <- ggplot(my_dat, aes(x,y,color=m))+ ## this is copy/paste from @Jimbou's great idea.
geom_quasirandom(method = 'smiley')
p <- ggplot_build(p)
p$data[[1]] <- p$data[[1]] %>%
colour=="#00BFC4" ~ PANEL + abs(PANEL - x),
TRUE ~ PANEL - abs(PANEL - x))
Why does this happen with increased sample size??