I’m new to OPC-UA and came across eclipse milo project. Project seems interesting but there is very little developer help. I am trying to browse code to figure out how to implement Node with historical data. Project has other examples for reference but missing history service example. I tried to modify provided example in ExampleNameSpace.java to enable history on the UaVariableNode but in Prosys OPC UA Client, it doesn't enable "Show History" menu for the Node. Here is what I tried
UaVariableNode node = new UaVariableNode.UaVariableNodeBuilder(server.getNodeMap())
.setNodeId(new NodeId(namespaceIndex, "HelloWorld/Dynamic/" + name))
.setBrowseName(new QualifiedName(namespaceIndex, name))
It will be very helpful if some one who implemented historyService using milo can share example.
UPDATE: Sorry, I should have included other part that I implemented. After reading other stack overflow post, I implemented historyRead function in namespace, which will take care of pulling history reading from datastore. My trouble right now is to indicate OPC client that Node is history capable. Test is to make prosys OPC client to enable "History" menu for the Node. I am probably missing something here.