Null while returning a Future in Dart

2019-07-30 08:38发布


I have two classes, a user_api_manager and a base_api_manager. From user_api_manager i call the get method of base_api_manager which performs an http get request and returns a Future<String>. The getrequest is performed but i am not pass the result to my user_api_manager class. The callback result is always null.

This is my user_api_manager.dart

static Future<Map<String,dynamic>> forgotPasswordAPI(String email) async{

String url = Constants.BASE_URL + Constants.FORGOT_PASSWORD_URL + email;

await BaseApiManager.get(url: url).then((val) {

  var response = JSON.decode(val);

  var status = response['status'];
  String message = '';
  switch (response['status']) {
    case Constants.SUCCESS:
      message = Constants.SUCCESS_RESPONSE;
    case Constants.SERVER_ERROR:
      message = Constants.SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE;
    case Constants.UNAUTHORISED:
      message = Constants.UNAUTHORISED_MESSAGE;
  return {'status':status,'message':message};

and here is my base_api_manager.dart

static Future<String> get({url : String,
parameters : Map ,
headers: Map }) async {
    var client = new http.Client();
    Map<String,dynamic> resultJSON;
    final c = new Completer();
    await client.get(url).then((response) {  //response is always null
    resultJSON  = {
        'status' : response.statusCode,
        'body' : JSON.decode(response.body)
    return c.future;

How to solve this issue?


Move the return c.future outside of the response processing, i.e you want to return this from your get otherwise you will return null.


You can simplify the code. That should make it easier to locate the problem

static Future<String> get({url : String, parameters : Map, headers: Map }) async {
  var client = new http.Client();
  final response = await client.get(url);
  var resultJSON  = {
      'status' : response.statusCode,
      'body' : JSON.decode(response.body)
  return resultJSON.toString()

What does that code print?

标签: dart flutter