I'm building a Google charts dashboard but I'm having difficulty making it responsive. I've tried using the function added to normal Google charts, as opposed to Dashboards, which works great but it's not having the same impact. Please see my code below. The code I'm trying to use to responsify the dashboard is at the bottom
Thanks Aaron
google.load('visualization', '1.1', {'packages':['controls','linechart']});
// Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
function initialize() {
// Replace the data source URL on next line with your data source URL.
var query = new google.visualization.Query('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kHnIbV5ZLjmcFXRfGx8hHVkLoYzYMMJlV3lk4Cr-R7I/edit?usp=sharing');
// Send the query with a callback function.
function drawDashboard(response) {
var data = response.getDataTable();
// Everything is loaded. Assemble your dashboard...
var namePicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
'controlType': 'CategoryFilter',
'containerId': 'filter_div',
'options': {
'filterColumnLabel': 'Name',
'ui': {
'labelStacking': 'vertical',
'allowTyping': false,
'allowMultiple': false
var laptimeChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
'chartType': 'LineChart',
'containerId': 'chart_div'
var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(document.getElementById('dashboard_div')).
bind(namePicker, laptimeChart).
$(window).resize(function() {