
查看过程树 - TLIST /任务列表[关闭](Viewing the Process Tree

2019-07-30 04:52发布

启动windows xptlist被改变tasklisttlist有选项\t ,这允许查询父/子进程关系也类似的选项中存在的tasklist ? 谢谢

Answer 1:


tasklist /SVC

如果这是没有帮助的话,我推荐的Process Explorer。 它是一个程序,它显示了所有父子进程。

这是官方链接: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx

Answer 2:


tasklist /M


BESClientUI.exe               4296 ntdll.dll, wow64.dll, wow64win.dll,
SynTPHelper.exe               2216 N/A
sihost.exe                    9340 ntdll.dll, KERNEL32.DLL, KERNELBASE.dll,
                                   msvcrt.dll, combase.dll, ucrtbase.dll,
                                   RPCRT4.dll, bcryptPrimitives.dll,
                                   sechost.dll, advapi32.dll,
                                   CoreMessaging.dll, ntmarta.dll,


tasklist /M /FI "xxx"


    Filter Name     Valid Operators           Valid Value(s)
    -----------     ---------------           --------------------------
    STATUS          eq, ne                    RUNNING | SUSPENDED
                                              NOT RESPONDING | UNKNOWN
    IMAGENAME       eq, ne                    Image name
    PID             eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le    PID value
    SESSION         eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le    Session number
    SESSIONNAME     eq, ne                    Session name
    CPUTIME         eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le    CPU time in the format
                                              of hh:mm:ss.
                                              hh - hours,
                                              mm - minutes, ss - seconds
    MEMUSAGE        eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le    Memory usage in KB
    USERNAME        eq, ne                    User name in [domain\]user
    SERVICES        eq, ne                    Service name
    WINDOWTITLE     eq, ne                    Window title
    MODULES         eq, ne                    DLL name


tasklist /M /FI "IMAGENAME eq explorer.exe"


Image Name                     PID Modules
========================= ======== ============================================
explorer.exe                  9912 ntdll.dll, KERNEL32.DLL, KERNELBASE.dll,
                                   msvcrt.dll, combase.dll, ucrtbase.dll,
                                   RPCRT4.dll, bcryptPrimitives.dll,
                                   OLEAUT32.dll, msvcp_win.dll, shcore.dll,
                                   advapi32.dll, sechost.dll, powrprof.dll,
                                   user32.dll, win32u.dll, GDI32.dll,
                                   gdi32full.dll, shlwapi.dll,
                                   windows.storage.dll, kernel.appcore.dll,
                                   profapi.dll, FLTLIB.DLL, SHELL32.dll,
                                   cfgmgr32.dll, TWINAPI.dll, PROPSYS.dll,
                                   winmm.dll, settingsynccore.dll,
                                   UxTheme.dll, dwmapi.dll, SspiCli.dll,
                                   USERENV.dll, twinapi.appcore.dll,
                                   WININET.dll, WTSAPI32.dll,
                                   TextInputFramework.dll, WINMMBASE.dll,
                                   bcrypt.dll, cryptsp.dll, RMCLIENT.dll,
                                   CoreUIComponents.dll, CoreMessaging.dll,
                                   wintypes.dll, ntmarta.dll, IMM32.DLL,

文章来源: Viewing the Process Tree - tlist/tasklist [closed]