HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path with sol

2019-01-14 10:36发布


I am new to Solr, after installing it in ubuntu 8.10, when I was trying exampledocs to index , as per this link, I got this error:

HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path

This is in Jetty.

What shall I do, in order to solve this?


I've gotten the same error:

HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path

In my case I've forgotten so set the solr/home value in the WEB-INF/web.xml file


After I've added the above code and restarted the server, the error was gone.


You probably have a multi-core setup and haven't included the core in the URL. e.g. instead of requesting http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=*%3A* you have to request http://localhost:8983/solr/MyCoreName/select/?q=*%3A*


If you just browse to http://localhost:8983/solr/ you will see all cores listed (at least that did it for me).


Just to keep a note here, if you deleted all files from your solr/data/index directory but left the directory alone and started getting this error, then stop solr, delete the solr/data/index directory and restart. Solr will create the index directory again. For some reason solr will give you this error if it finds the index directory but not the initial stuff it expects in there.


In my case, it was happening due to a previous installation of Solr. So I had to delete my old core directory:

rm -rf /var/lib/solr/mycorename 

then recreate the directory with correct permissions:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/solr/mycorename/data
sudo chown -R jetty:jetty /var/lib/solr/mycorename/data


I'm not use SolrCores, but:

After installing new solr version, I got error "HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path" And http://xxx:8080/solr-tour/admin/cores was empty. (If you don't use solrCore, 1 entry is here normally)

I must stop tomcat, delete his localfiles, and start again

/etc/init.d/tomcat5 stop
rm -rf /usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/*
rm -rf /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/*
rm -rf /usr/share/tomcat5/logs/*
/etc/init.d/tomcat5 start


For me the problem was deeper, as I had not set up Solr correctly to begin with.

I followed the instructions here:

Basically, apart from just unzipping the solr.war war file to the webapps directory, you need to create a solr home directory (for which you can copy example/solr in the distribution you downloaded).

Then, as per happy-coding's suggestion, you can configure the web.xml file to point to this directory. Restart (if necessary), and voila!


In my case it was happening due to versioning.

Earlier I was using solr 1.4.1. It was running fine. Then I installed solr 3.6.1 and was getting this error.

A folder named solr is there in the tomcat/webapps directory where you generally put the solr.war file.

  • Delete this solr folder
  • Start tomcat

=> Problem is gone.


My problem was in Tomcat Installed Dir\conf\Catalina\localhost\solr.xml

<Context docBase="C\:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 6.0\\webapps\\solr" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
   <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="D:\\workspace\\common\\src\\test\\resources\\solr\\cores" override="true" />

The cores folder path was wrong for me, as I moved the workspace from one machine to another.


Hi I've got exactly this error when my solrconfig.xml was malformed (missing closing tag element ). It was for solr 3.5.0 Once I fixed the solrconfig the error went away.