In Tools > Options, I cannot find the setting to disable auto-renaming of elements which are pasted in HTML source view.
It used to be: Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Miscellaneous > Auto ID elements on paste in Source view. But that option is gone in Visual Studio 2013.
How can I disable the auto-renaming?
For now the best solution seems to be a workaround that was posted by a user on the Microsoft Connect website which is to paste the code as a comment.
Fool the IDE that we're not pasting code (thus he won't alter it). How ? Paste a comment ! How to do that in real life ? Here is how I do it (feel free to suggest other ways!):
1) Place cursor where I want to paste code
2) ctrl-k, ctrl-c (i.e.
comment region. Since no region was selected, an empty comment is
inserted and our cursor Inside of it) 3) ctrl-v (paste content that is
believed to be a comment by the IDE) 4) ctrl-k, ctrl-u (i.e.
un-commenting the current comment we're in!
The auto ID assigning is made only if the ID is used by another control on the same page.
Copy the code and paste in external editor like Notepad++, then copy it again from NP++ and paste it in the code editor page, the ID should remain the same.