Xcode Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit c

2019-01-14 10:14发布


I am trying to add new provisioning profile to my Xcode, to test an app on the device. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles

  2. Create/Add IOS Dev Certificate

  3. Add My IOS Device Online

  4. Create IOS Provisioning Profile

  5. Add IOS Provisioning Profile

  6. Clean App

  7. Build Then Run App

  8. Set Codesigning nd Provisioning Profile In Build Settings

  9. Lots of Googling > to no successes

Here is the error I get:

CSSM_SignData returned: 800108E6
/Users/alexpelletier/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyExpense-efnqzvoqwngzcmazaotyalepiice/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyExpense.app:     errSecInternalComponent
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1


It seems like a bug in the code signing mechanism, restarting your mac should solve the problem


Go to Keychain Access -> Toggle once the lock/unlock icon for Login -> Keep it at Unlock state -> This fixed my issue


This occurs when the login keychain is locked. To unlock the login keychain, run:

security unlock-keychain login.keychain

Then try the build or code-signing operation again. The error code in question is described in Apple's docs as an internal error, so it's entirely possible this occurs in other cases too.


I have met the same problem, I restart my macOS,and it works.

In China,we have a saying between developers:

Little problems,just restart.Big problems,should reinstall.

Sometimes,the above saying will greatly help you!


Had the same issue on High Sierra/Xcode 9.4.1, all attempts to sign ended in errSecInternalComponent

    • Go to Keychain Access
    • Go to the login keychain
    • Select the category "My Certificates"
    • Find the certificate you're signing with and expand it to see the key.
    • Double click the key
    • Go to the "Access control" tab.
    • Update key access control to "Allow all applications to access this item"


run codesign command on mac terminal and "Always allow" /usr/bin/codesign access to key

  1. If trying to sign from ssh/CI you also need to run

    security unlock-keychain login.keychain

    before trying to sign app bundle


In case it helps someone else, I encountered an errSecInternalComponent error with codesign because I was running it over an ssh session to my macOS machine. Running the same command from a terminal window on the macOS machine itself worked.

Presumably this is because codesign needs access to the private key from the login keychain.

Running security unlock-keychain login.keychain (as explained by cbracken's answer) from the same session also should work.


If trying to sign from ssh run command:

security unlock-keychain login.keychain

before trying to sign app bundle

or from UI

Update key access control to "Allow all applications to access this item"

Thx to @Equilibrium and @Jon McClung


Just try it once using mac terminal but not from ssh session

security unlock-keychain login.keychain

And choose always allow in the prompted dialog. And then you could xcodebuild in the remote session.


I had the same issue Found out the problem is with code signing the app.

Opened the developer account and accepted the updated agreement and it worked.  


I ran security unlock-keychain login.keychain and my login password didn't work. So I rebooted, and then just ran Xcode again and it worked. Running the command works as well. Strange issue.