I'm currently trying, in a MS Access Query (using the GUI tool, and not the SQL tool), to check if a specific form is open or not, without using VBA.
Using the following expression :
Expr1 : [Formulaires]![Form1].[Visible]
If Form1 is open, the query works fine, but if Form1 is closed, it asks for input, since the Form1 isn't open, and the variable doesn't exist anymore.
Is there a way to check if a specific form is open, or to check if a certain variable requires input ?
You would need a VBA function to discover this but you could call the function from your query and incorporate the result in your formula.
This function will return true if the form is loaded;
Function IsFormLoaded(strForm As String) As Boolean
Dim frm As Form
For Each frm In Forms
If frm.Name = strForm Then
IsFormLoaded = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
You can then use the function in an IIF statement;
IIF(IsFormLoaded('MyForm'), MyForm.Control.Value, '')
Yes, use a function:
Public Function IsFormLoaded(ByVal strForm As String) As Boolean
Dim frmForm As Form
Dim booLoaded As Boolean
For Each frmForm In Forms
If frmForm.Name = strForm Then
booLoaded = True
Exit For
End If
IsFormLoaded = booLoaded
Set frmForm = Nothing
End Function