Entity Framework,There is already an open DataRead

2019-07-30 01:21发布


In the "each", when run the "FirstOrDefault" will error "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.". How to do ?

public int SetUser(string[] dIds, string pId)
    using (var scope = _dbContextScopeFactory.Create())
        var db = scope.DbContexts.Get<JuCheapContext>();

        var users = db.Users;

        var user = users.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == pId);
        if (user.Places == null)
            user.Places = new List<PlaceEntity>();

        var place = db.Place.Include(m => m.User).Where(m => dIds.Contains(m.Id));

        place.Each(m =>

            //There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.
            var pu = users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.LoginName == m.Key);

            if (pu != null)
                pu.FId = pId;


        return db.SaveChanges();


When you say

place.Each(m =>

You're using a reader to iterate the items from the database


  var pu = users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.LoginName == m.Key);

The second reader enters while the first one is still executing and the error occurs

Call ToList() to get the data into memory and close the reader

var place = db.Place.Include(m => m.User).Where(m => dIds.Contains(m.Id)).ToList();

You can also enable MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets)
