I would like to display a map on my website that shows my last Foursquare check-in.
There is a great blog article explaining how to do this here.
However, I am concerned that I will hit the Foursquare API rate limits (500 requests per hour) since the map will be displayed in the sidebar of the website, so everytime someone views the site (or browses to a different page on the site) it will do a new query to the Foursquare API. As you can see, even with a small amount of traffic it is likely the rate limit will be reached.
Is there a way around this issue, perhaps by either doing some kind of caching or alternatively retrieving my last checkin information through an method other than the Foursquare API? Either way, the check-in needs to be displayed on a Google Map.
I would like to write any scripting in either PHP or Javascript/jQuery.