I know to link to a part in the same page like :
<a href='#A'>A</a>
<a name='A'>Here is A</a>
But when I designed it with jquery and php, ı have a problem. My design is like : There are all letters of alphabet. Under the letters, there are there are divs (item_A,item_B,item_c etc...). When the user click K letter for example, page will link to #K div and also #K div display its content.(Because when the site open first, item divs' display are none). But the problem is, although #K (K is just example) K is displayed its content, page did not redirect to #K div. You must scroll by yourself.
Here is the code :
<div class="content_letters">
<?php $array_letter = array("A","B","C","Ç","D","E","F","G","H","I","İ",
for ($i=0;$i<27;$i++) {
echo "<li><a id='letter_{$array_letter[$i]}'
href='#letter_{$array_letter[$i]}'>{$array_letter[$i]} | </a></li>";
for ($i=0;$i<27;$i++) {
<div class="content_letter_block">
<div class="text">
<div class="show_hide">
<a class="button" id="
<?php echo 'button_letter_'.$array_letter[$i]; ?>">SHOW/HIDE</a>
<a name="<?php echo "letter_".$array_letter[$i].'">';?>
<?php echo $array_letter[$i]; ?></a> starts from here</div>
<?php } ?>
<div style='display:none' id='<?php echo "item_".$array_letter[$i];?>'>
Here is item...
Here is the jquery code :
$(document).ready(function() {
// target everything with IDs that start with 'button_letter'
$("[id^='button_letter']").click(function () {
// split the letter out of the ID
// of the clicked element and use it to target
// the correct div
$("#item_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).toggle();
$("[id^='letter']").click(function () {
$("#item_" + this.id.split("_")[1]).show();