I am working with jasper-reports-4.5.0 and spring 3.0.5RELEASE. I am generating the reports in PDF, HTML, and CSV formats. While generating the reports, if there are no matching records in the database I am displaying the message "No Records Found". How can I make the message appear red?
To set the text to red you just need to set the Forecolor of the text. An example No Data Section with red text would be
<band height="20">
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="555" height="20" forecolor="#FF0000"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle">
<font isBold="true"/>
<text><![CDATA[There was no data found.]]></text>
The only caveat to this is that when exporting to csv, obviously the text will not be red since that is just a plain text file. It should work for PDF and HTML though.