I have the following query attempting an update in CodeIgniter:
$sql = "UPDATE fanout.manual_data
SET call_leader_id = ?
WHERE id IN (?)";
$q = $this->db->query($sql, array($leaderID, implode(", ", $empIDs)));
The implode is creating a string of all the IDs in my array. However, that is resulting in the query looking like:
UPDATE fanout.manual_data SET call_leader_id = '55993' WHERE id IN ('57232, 0097726, 0076034');
When what I need is:
UPDATE fanout.manual_data SET call_leader_id = '55993' WHERE id IN (57232, 0097726, 0076034);
Only difference, is the single quotes surrounding the string of IDs. Is this something I need to do myself and skip over CI's query bindings (http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/queries.html) or is something CI can handle and I'm just missing a step?