I want to convert this:
1 Sənədlər
<translation>1 Sənədlər</translation>
in XML using C#.
Please help me. Only translation tags.
I tried this:
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(path);
xdoc.Save("path, SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);
But it does not remove the new lines between <translation>
A new line is determined in the code by "\n
" and possibly also "\r
". You can simply remove these:
string xmlString = "<translation>\r\n1 Sənədlər\r\n</translation>"; // With the 'new lines'
xmlString = xmlString.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
This will result in:
1 Sənədlər
<translation>1 Sənədlər</translation>
I hope this helps.
what you have should work. you can validate by dumping the XDocument to a string variable to confirm if the SaveOptions is removing the formatting.
for eg: i tried the below and content does not have any formatting including newlines and whitespaces.
XDocument xmlDoc = new XDocument(new XElement("Team", new XElement("Developer", "Sam")));
var content = xmlDoc.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);
You can strip out newlines manually in an environment-sensitive way by using
var content = xmlString.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty)
XML defines two types of whitespace: significant and insignificant:
Insignificant whitespace is the whitespace between elements where text content doesn't occur, whereas significant whitespace is the whitespace within elements that contain text content. You might find the graphic in this article useful to show the difference.
What you have in your translation
element is significant whitespace; the element contains text so it is assumed to be part of the element contents. Without a schema or DTD that says it can be collapsed, no amount of changing the whitespace handling on read or write is going to remove this. These options only relate to the insignificant whitespace.
What you can do is apply your own processing: using LINQ to XML, you can trim the whitespace of all elements that contain only text using something like this:
var textElements = doc.Descendants()
.Where(element => element.Nodes().All(node => node is XText));
foreach (var element in textElements)
element.Value = element.Value.Trim();
See this fiddle for a demo.