I´m starting with Vuepress (https://vuepress.vuejs.org), and i´d followed the docs to integrate it with an existing project (https://vuepress.vuejs.org/guide/getting-started.html#inside-an-existing-project). I used the sugested docs directory.
But now i need to "really" integrate with my project and i need to when my users access the my-project.com/docs, to reach the Vuepress docs
If i make (yarn docs:build), the /dist folder will be generated to be used anywhere as a statics HTML files. I tought in put the /dist/ content in the /static/ files of my project. But the vue-router response to /docs is a 404.
And i will still need to make 2 builds, my project and the docs.
The questions are:
- How can i make the vue-router "see" the vuepress build files? Where to put them?
- How can i integrate the run build of project to make them both?
I have 2 projects, one with quasar and the other i´m using vue-cli 3.
Thank you all.