I'm basing my exercise on the accepted answer in: Creating transparent text to show gradient color of underlying div
Here's my rendition in jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/skrln/zSjgL/
The svg code of my logo:
<svg width="190" height="121">
<mask id="cutouttext">
<rect width="190" height="121" x="0" y="0" fill="white" />
<path id="number-two" d="M75.3,56.1c7.3-3,14.2-12.5,14.2-24c0-17.7-15.1-32.1-36.8-32.1H0v121.5h52.4c30,0,43.4-16.5,43.4-36.8
C95.8,72.3,87,59.8,75.3,56.1z M66.5,94.6h-49V79.7h0.1l27-22.1c3.5-2.8,5.3-6.1,5.3-9c0-4-3.2-7.6-8.4-7.6c-6.4,0-9.1,5.7-10.2,9
l-14.6-3.9c2.9-10.8,11.8-19.1,25.2-19.1c14.4,0,24.5,9.4,24.5,21.5c0,12.4-9,18.1-17.1,23.8l-10.4,7.3h27.6V94.6z" />
<polygon id="filler" points="190,33.9 190,0 101.6,0 101.6,121.5 190,121.5 190,87.6 141.4,87.6 141.4,74.7 177.1,74.7 177.1,46.6
141.4,46.6 141.4,33.9 " />
<rect width="190" height="121" x="0" y="0" fill="white" mask="url(#cutouttext)" />
The result so far:
The mask isn't behaving the way I want to; I want the inner parts of the "B" and "E" to mask out the gray underlying div so you can see the background image like the image below:
I'm having trouble knowing what part of the logo is the and which one is the . Also I can't seem to figure out the logic behind the <mask>
in the SVG.