I am using spring-rabbit-1.7.3.RELEASE.jar
I have defined a SimpleMessageListenerContainer in my xml with shutdownTimeout parameter.
bean id="aContainer"
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="rabbitConnectionFactory" />
<property name="queueNames" value="aQueue" />
<property name="adviceChain" ref="retryAdvice" />
<property name="acknowledgeMode" value="AUTO" />
<property name="shutdownTimeout" value="900000" />
When my service shuts down and there are still messages in "aQueue", I expect that the shutdownTimeout would allow the messages to get processed. But this doesn't seem to happen.
On further investigation I found out that the await() method defined in SimpleMessageListenerContainer is always returning true.
this.cancellationLock.await(Long.valueOf(this.shutdownTimeout), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
I would like to understand how the logic for await works, how it acquires lock and what additional configuration is required at my end to make the code work.