Preface: I'm currently taking a condensed course that is apparently taught in LISP and I've never worked with LISP in my life so I had to learn the language over a weekend. I apologize in advance for the abysmal code. I'm just familiar enough with LISP's syntax to get the code working and not much more.
I'm currently working on a program that solves the map coloring problem. This code takes a sequence where the first element of each sub sequence is a state and the second element represents a color. ex: '((A R) (B G) (C G) (D Y) (E B) (F B)) and then checks to make sure that no state has the same color as a state it's constrained by (defined by the constraint list). I know there are probably a lot of cleaner and simpler ways to do this but what I'm currently struggling with is having my dolist loops immediately return the value T whenever the if statement is met. So far I've been unable to get the functions to simply return a value and had to resort to this really ugly/wrong method of setting a variable to true and waiting for the loop to finish in order to make the code work. I've tried using return and just having T inside the if statements but, in both cases, the loop would finish instead of returning a value and I have no idea why.
(setq constraint '((A (B C E)) (B (A E F)) (C (A E F)) (D (F)) (E (A B C F)) (F (B C D E))))
(defun check_constraint (f s)
(setf ans nil)
(dolist (state constraint)
(if (eq (first state) f)
(if (search (list s) (second state))
(setf ans T) ;;where I want it to just return T
;;ex: ((A R) (B R) (C B) (D R) (E B) (F G))
(defun check_conflict (lst)
(setf anb nil)
(dolist (state lst)
(dolist (neighbor (remove state lst))
(if (check_constraint (first state) (first neighbor))
(if (eq (second state) (second neighbor))
(setf anb T)) ;;where I want it to just return T
EDIT: I ended up just fixing this with recursion. The code is cleaner now but I'd still love to know what my issue was. This is the recursive code.
(setq constraint '((A (B C E)) (B (A E F)) (C (A E F)) (D (F)) (E (A B C F)) (F (B C D E))))
(defun check_constraint (lst f s)
((null lst) nil)
((search (list (car (car lst))) f)
(if (search s (second (car lst))) T))
(t (check_constraint (cdr lst) f s))
(defun check_neighbor (check lst)
((null lst) nil)
((check_constraint constraint (list (car check)) (list (first (first lst))))
(if (eq (second check) (second (car lst))) T))
(t (check_neighbor check (cdr lst)))
;;(check_state '((A R) (B R) (C B) (D R) (E B) (F G)))
(defun check_state (lst)
((null lst) nil)
((check_neighbor (car lst) (cdr lst)) T)
(t (check_state (cdr lst)))