I am writing a bash script and trying to change lines in my file. I currently have:
if [[ ! $line == *[+]* ]]
[command to change line]
I merely want to change the line by adding on to the text already there. Any suggestions? I have tried:
sed -i 'Ns/.*/replacement-line/' file.txt
sed -i '/Text_to_be_replaced/c\This is the new line.' file.txt
among some others found online to no avail.
My full script is:
while ((i++)); read -r line; do
sed -i 's/(/ /g' $filename
sed -i 's/)//g' $filename
sed -i 's/,/ /g' $filename
sed -i 's/-x/-1 0 0/g' $filename
sed -i 's/x/ 1 0 0/g' $filename
sed -i 's/-y/ 0 -1 0/g' $filename
sed -i 's/y/ 0 1 0/g' $filename
sed -i 's/-z/ 0 0 -1/g' $filename
sed -i 's/z/ 0 0 1/g' $filename
[*command to add to line*]
done < "$filename"