I am trying to retrieve the data from the smart card using smart card reader. I've used the software (PascProbe.exe) to obtain all the data I've could. This what I got:
Card Reader: OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 0
ATR=3B8F8001804F0CA0000003060A0018000000007A (hex)
Card type: PicoPass 2KS
Card serial number (CSN, UID): 504B4901FBFF12E0 (hex);
PACS bits (raw Wiegand) data: 000000202FA473F8
applying HID H10304 card format:
Facility Code: =762
Card Number: =145916
I understand how to get CSN(UID) and ATR from card using APDU, and
I understand how to get facility code and card number from PACS bits (here H10304 card format), but I don't know what I need to know in order to retrieve "PACS bits" from the smart card. Please help. (I am using .Net)
Thx in advance