
Plone - Overriding skins.xml of another product

2019-07-29 15:09发布


In using Plone, I had the need to use image maps. So I added this product to my build. However, I noted that I was not able to use the product in my application. After investigation, I noticed that this particular product had specified specific themes to be used i.e. the plone default themes.

Here is the skins.xml from the product:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_skins" allow_any="False" cookie_persistence="False">

 <object name="zopyx_tinymceplugins_imgmap"
    meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"

 <skin-path name="Plone Default">
  <layer name="zopyx_tinymceplugins_imgmap"
 <skin-path name="Sunburst Theme">
  <layer name="zopyx_tinymceplugins_imgmap"


Now my application has a specific theme i.e. MyCustomTheme. When I activate it, I am unable to use the features of the addon product, but when I revert to the Plone default theme, it works OK. This I deduce is from the hardcoding of the themes within that particular product.

How can I fix this to ensure that MyCustomTheme will always be able to use the product? I am thinking of editing my skins.xml file and include the product as a dependency.

UPDATE: The authors of the product have finally fixed the bug. The latest version of the product from 0.3.2 should now work OK for all skins.


You need to add the same layer (zopyx_tinymceplugins_imgmap) to your own theme too; it is not dependent on the Default skin, but the author forgot to add a wild-card definition to register the layer with all skins.

If you already have a skins.xml file for your own theme, simply add the same layer definition to it:

 <skin-path name="Your Theme Name">
  <layer name="zopyx_tinymceplugins_imgmap"
  <!-- your other skin layer definitions -->

Make sure you add this product's generic setup profile to your own profile's medadata.xml dependencies:

    <!-- any other dependencies -->


and run your setup profile again.

标签: plone zope