下面是分裂迭代项目子列表两种功能。 我认为,这种类型的任务多次编程。 我用它来分析日志包括文件repr
我想改变这些,让他们将产生的迭代器,而非列表。 由于列表可能增长相当大的,但我或许可以决定接受或者跳过它基于前几个项目。 此外,如果ITER版本可我想窝他们,但是会通过复制部分会浪费一些内存这些列表的版本。
但是,从一个迭代源获得多台发电机wan't容易的,我的,所以我寻求帮助。 如果可能的话,我想避免引入新的类。
def cleave_by_mark (stream, key_fn, end_with_mark=False):
'''[f f t][t][f f] (true) [f f][t][t f f](false)'''
buf = []
for item in stream:
if key_fn(item):
if end_with_mark: buf.append(item)
if buf: yield buf
buf = []
if end_with_mark: continue
if buf: yield buf
def cleave_by_change (stream, key_fn):
'''[1 1 1][2 2][3][2 2 2 2]'''
prev = None
buf = []
for item in stream:
iden = key_fn(item)
if prev is None: prev = iden
if prev != iden:
yield buf
buf = []
prev = iden
if buf: yield buf
感谢大家的回答,我可以写我问了! 当然,作为“cleave_for_change”功能我还可以使用itertools.groupby
def cleave_by_mark (stream, key_fn, end_with_mark=False):
hand = []
def gen ():
key = key_fn(hand[0])
yield hand.pop(0)
while 1:
if end_with_mark and key: break
key = key_fn(hand[0])
if (not end_with_mark) and key: break
yield hand.pop(0)
while 1:
# allow StopIteration in the main loop
if not hand: hand.append(stream.next())
yield gen()
for cl in cleave_by_mark (iter((1,0,0,1,1,0)), lambda x:x):
print list(cl), # start with 1
# -> [1, 0, 0] [1] [1, 0]
for cl in cleave_by_mark (iter((0,1,0,0,1,1,0)), lambda x:x):
print list(cl),
# -> [0] [1, 0, 0] [1] [1, 0]
for cl in cleave_by_mark (iter((1,0,0,1,1,0)), lambda x:x, True):
print list(cl), # end with 1
# -> [1] [0, 0, 1] [1] [0]
for cl in cleave_by_mark (iter((0,1,0,0,1,1,0)), lambda x:x, True):
print list(cl),
# -> [0, 1] [0, 0, 1] [1] [0]
def cleave_by_change (stream, key_fn):
'''[1 1 1][2 2][3][2 2 2 2]'''
hand = []
def gen ():
headkey = key_fn(hand[0])
yield hand.pop(0)
while 1:
key = key_fn(hand[0])
if key != headkey: break
yield hand.pop(0)
while 1:
# allow StopIteration in the main loop
if not hand: hand.append(stream.next())
yield gen()
for cl in cleave_by_change (iter((1,1,1,2,2,2,3,2)), lambda x:x):
print list(cl),
# -> [1, 1, 1] [2, 2, 2] [3] [2]
注意:如果任何人要使用这些,一定要在各个层面用尽发电机 ,安德鲁指出。 因为否则内发电机左代替下一个“块”开始,其中外发生器高产回路将重新启动右。
stream = itertools.product('abc','1234', 'ABCD')
for a in iters.cleave_by_change(stream, lambda x:x[0]):
for b in iters.cleave_by_change(a, lambda x:x[1]):
print b.next()
for sink in b: pass
for sink in a: pass
('a', '1', 'A')
('b', '1', 'A')
('c', '1', 'A')