I stumbled about a strange circumstance.
We use dojo AMD Vers. 1.9. in which dojo.connect is replaced by dojo.on
So far all is okay. Now i want to connect an Eventlistener ( Checkbox is Selected) to the IndirectSelection-plugin of my EnhancedGrid. I search for a solution with dojo.on but just find dojo.connect?!
Is that correct? I mean dojo.connect is deprecated generaly in dojo 1.9?
This is the code i find in the dojo-side:
dojo.connect(grid.selection, 'onSelected'|'onDeselected', function(rowIndex){...})
Reference: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojox/grid/EnhancedGrid/plugins/IndirectSelection.html#usages
and here's my Code:
grid = new EnhancedGrid({
id: 'GraphGrid',
store: GraphicStore,
query: { ident: "*" },
structure: layout,
rowSelector: '20px',
keepSelection: false,
plugins: {
indirectSelection: {
styles:"text-align: center;"
/*Call startup() to render the grid*/
grid.on("rowClick", function(evt){
var idx = evt.rowIndex,
item = this.getItem(idx);
// get a value out of the item
var value = this.store.getValue(item, "geom");
dojo.connect(grid.selection, 'onSelected', getSelectedItems);
else {
}, 1000);
I tried to change it to dojo.on or grid.selection.on('Selected',getSelectedItems); but it doesn't work. Is in this special Case dojo.connect still the right way to connect?
The code above works fine, theres nothing wrong with it.
Regards, Miriam