I'm essentially trying to recreate the following SQL query using Scala Slick:
select labelOne, labelTwo, sum(countA), sum(countB) from things where date > 'blah' group by labelOne, labelTwo;
As you can see, it takes what a table of labeled things and aggregates them, summing various counts. A table with the following info:
ID | date | labelOne | labelTwo | countA | countB
0 | 0 | foo | cheese | 1 | 2
1 | 0 | bar | wine | 0 | 3
2 | 1 | foo | cheese | 3 | 4
3 | 1 | bar | wine | 2 | 1
4 | 2 | foo | beer | 1 | 1
Should yield the following result if queried across all dates:
labelOne | labelTwo | countA | countB
foo | cheese | 4 | 6
bar | wine | 2 | 4
foo | beer | 1 | 1
This is what my Scala code looks like:
import scala.slick.driver.MySQLDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.jdbc.StaticQuery
import StaticQuery.interpolation
import org.joda.time.LocalDate
import com.github.tototoshi.slick.JodaSupport._
case class Thing(
id: Option[Long],
date: LocalDate,
labelOne: String,
labelTwo: String,
countA: Long,
countB: Long)
// summarized version of "Thing": note there's no date in this object
// each distinct grouping of Thing.labelOne + Thing.labelTwo should become a "SummarizedThing", with summed counts
case class SummarizedThing(
labelOne: String,
labelTwo: String,
countASum: Long,
countBSum: Long)
trait ThingsComponent {
val Things: Things
class Things extends Table[Thing]("things") {
def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def date = column[LocalDate]("date", O.NotNull)
def labelOne = column[String]("labelOne", O.NotNull)
def labelTwo = column[String]("labelTwo", O.NotNull)
def countA = column[Long]("countA", O.NotNull)
def countB = column[Long]("countB", O.NotNull)
def * = id.? ~ date ~ labelOne ~ labelTwo ~ countA ~ countB <> (Thing.apply _, Thing.unapply _)
val byId = createFinderBy(_.id)
object Things extends DAO {
def insert(thing: Thing)(implicit s: Session) { Things.insert(thing) }
def findById(id: Long)(implicit s: Session): Option[Thing] = Things.byId(id).firstOption
// ???
def summarizeSince(date: LocalDate)(implicit s: Session): Set[SummarizedThing] = {
Query(Things).where(_.date > date).groupBy(x => (x.labelOne, x.labelTwo)).map {
case(thing: Thing) => {
// obviously this line below is wrong, but you can get an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish:
// create a new SummarizedThing for each unique labelOne + labelTwo combo, summing the count columns
new SummarizedThing(thing.labelOne, thing.labelTwo, thing.countA.sum, thing.countB.sum)
} // presumably need to run the query and map to SummarizedThing here, perhaps?
The summarizeSince
function is where I'm having trouble. I seem to be able to query Things
just fine, filtering by date, and grouping by my fields... however, I'm having trouble summing countA
and countB
. With the summed results, I'd then like to create a SummarizedThing
for each unique labelOne + labelTwo
combination. Hopefully that makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.