Random select drop down menu imacros

2019-07-29 12:00发布


I am trying to figure out how to randomized a drop down menu in iMacros.

This is the current script.

TAG POS=1 TYPE=SELECT FORM=ACTION:/es/crear-tu-blog/ ATTR=NAME:domain CONTENT=$activos-blog.net

There are like 30 alternative for this drop down menu, I want to make it select a random alternative. How can i do this?.


You need something like this:

SET !VAR1 EVAL("var randomDomain=Math.floor(Math.random()*30 + 1); randomDomain;")
TAG POS=1 TYPE=SELECT FORM=ACTION:/es/crear-tu-blog/ ATTR=NAME:domain CONTENT=%{{!VAR1}}

Where 30 is the number of elements in the drop down menu, and the % indicates we are selecting the option by its value.

For example, I'm expecting the option to be:

<option value="12">activos-blog.net</option>

If the value is a string, then you should select the option by its index, using #.


You can select the dropdown menu like this.

This is the current script.


In some cases, I saw %5 so I am not sure is it % or # before the number. The number 5, in this case, is just an example.

Here is what it says on iMacros.


Scroll down to where it says dropdown menu.

The next step is to create a random number with use of JavaScript. On the link below, you can get the functions for that purpose.

Generating random whole numbers in JavaScript in a specific range?

After you've mastered that the next step is to implement it in iMacros. You have to use JavaScript scripting.

var macro;

macro ="CODE:";
macro +="TAG POS=1 TYPE=SELECT FORM=ACTION:/es/crear-tu-blog/ ATTR=NAME:domain CONTENT=#{{number}}";
